Below is a list of various organisations and charities that may be helpful for those seeking help and counsellors alike. This will be an expanded with more resources as I am able. Some of the Areas you will find support in include:
Transgender and Non-Binary Specific Support
Other Support (Health, Wellbeing and more)
If you know of any charities or support agencies that you think would be helpful to others, please don't hesitate to contact me and email me their website at

Abuse Support.
If you are ever in immediate danger, please always call the emergency services.
Below is a list of other support services, both local to Hertfordshire and nationally. It is also import to recognise that abuse can come in many forms and anyone could be a victim, regardless or age, race, gender or any other characteristic. Types of abuse include physical, where physical harm is caused or resources are withheld required to maintain your health and wellbeing, emotional which can have a wide range of presentations, but usually involve threatening behaviour, insults and belittling, psychological, which involves manipulation, coercive behaviour, stalking and isolation, digital, such as internet monitoring or acts such as "revenge porn", sexual, which can include unwanted contact and rape as well as manipulation suggesting they will "find what they need elsewhere" if you don't comply and financial, which involves control of money and other resources and preventing them from having their own belongings or ability to access things outside of their control.
Galop is an LGBTQ+ focused Anti-Abuse group that offer support and advice. This includes a wide range of services with things such as familial abuse, hate crime and even conversion therapy. It is often hard for people of the LGBT community to come forward about abuse as they can often be made to feel like they wont be believed, they should expect it or that they even deserve it. This is of course not the case and everyone deserves to be able to feel safe and free from harm or persecution.
A National Domestic Abuse support charity aimed at supporting men. It is often hard for men to come forward, being made to feel sense of shame for "not being strong enough" or that it is something that "just doesn't happen to men."
Men can experience abuse in the same way women can and Men's Advice Line offers support and advice in how to work with this.
Refuge exists to support women who are experiencing domestic abuse. When you’re ready, Refuge is there to support you. Their expert staff work closely and confidentially with each individual to develop the right support plan for you. This includes ways of escaping an abuser and recovery programmes.
Safer Places is a Herts and Essex based Abuse Support charity offering refuge, wellbeing support including counselling and advice..
Addiction Support
Addiction is never a choice anyone makes for themself, and finding support can be really scary and feel almost impossible. Below are just a couple of places to look when seeking support and recovery.
The Forward Trust Offer services to help with and beat addiction including online support chats and community groups. They also have resource to help with housing and resettlement, family support, financial support, employment support and probation support.
The Living Room is a Hertfordshire based charity that support all kinds of addiction through group therapy and other support. They can help you through a journey of abstinence and recovery.
Bereavement Support
The loss of anyone can make it very hard to know what to do. People are often afraid to ask for help because they "don't want to be a burden". When experiencing a death, some will questions if they are grieving correctly and what should I be feeling. Honestly, there is no right way, but there are people and organisations who help.
Cruse are a Bereavement support group that offer support, resources and training on the experience of grief and how it may impact you and those around you.
Child Bereavement UK helps families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. They support children and young people (up to the age of 25) when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live, and parents and the wider family when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying.
Sands is there to support anyone affected by pregnancy loss and the death of a baby to offer understanding and comfort. They work to improve the care, discover why babies are dying and reduce inequalities in healthcare.
The Road Victims Trust is a charity dedicated to supporting people who have been affected by the grief and trauma of a road death or a serious injury or life changing injury collisions.
Their services are available to family, friends and colleagues of the person who has been killed or injured as well as witnesses of fatal and life changing injury road collisions.
A free bereavement support group, facilitated by a local funeral director, that is run in North Hertfordshire and across Bedfordshire, where those who have experienced a loss can come together.

Disability Support
Disability is more than just about accessibility, though that is a big part, it's about being thought of as more than an afterthought and developing a world that is accessible to all, whether a disability is visible or not. It's also about dispelling myths and stigma around it so that everyone it treated with equity and consideration.
Scope is a disability equality charity, that provides practical information and emotional support. They also campaign to make the UK more equitable and accessible to all.
Mencap is a charity that focusses on supporting those with learning disabilities and their families, to ensure they have the resources and opportunities they deserve.
Diability rights UK is an organisation run by disabled people working with public bodies, businesses and Government across the UK to influence regional and national change for better rights, accessibility, benefits, quality of life and economic opportunities for Disabled people. They have anumber of resources that may be able
LGBTQ+ Support
Being part of the LGBTQ+ community can come with it's own unique challenges that it can feel like cishet people do not understand. Things like applying for jobs, going to the GP or even just going out of a day can come with all sorts of different feelings and for some a sense of anxiety through not knowing how you are going to be received. This is why LGBTQ+ charities, educators and advocates are so important.
Switchboard is the national LGBTQIA+ support line. For anyone, anywhere in the country, at any point in their journey. We can discuss anything related to sexuality and gender identity. Whether it’s sexual health, relationships or just the way you’re feeling. This is your space – to explore, talk and be truly heard.
The UK's leading HIV and sexual health charity. They support people living with HIV and amplify their voices, and help the people using our services to achieve good sexual health.
MindOut is a mental health service run by and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) people. Offering a range of support services including counselling and advocacy, Mindout are there to support you whether you identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community or not.
The Rainbow Project is a health organisation that works to improve the physical, mental & emotional health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ people and their families in Northern Ireland.
Stonewall is a charity that supports LAGBTQ+ people in many ways, through activism, educations and funding LGBT businesses and services through their fundraising over the last 30 years.
AKT Work nationally with LGBTQ+ young people aged 16 - 25 who are experiencing homelessness at risk of being homeless or are in a hostile environment. They do this through emergency refuge work, financial support, advocacy and more
Hidayah UK, has a mission to provide support and welfare for LGBTQI+ Muslims and promote social justice and education about the Muslim community to counter discrimination, prejudice and injustice.
Sarbat is a Sikh support foundation with the vision to end homophobia, bi phobia and transphobia.
KeshetUK is an education and training charity with a mission to ensure that Jewish LGBT+ people and their families are included throughout Jewish life in the UK. Jewish LGBT+ people exist in all walks of life. KeshetUK aspires to work with all UK Jewish communities
Interconnect Support is a community of intersex individuals, family members, and trusted allies working together to promote a better quality of life through connection, support and education.
Neurodiversity Support
Neurodiversity is the term used to describe people who process the world in different way that don't align with what is considered "neurotypical".
The National Autistic Society support autistic people and their families by offering advice, training, setting up schools and residential services and campaigning for better awareness of autism.
The ADHD Foundation a neurodiversity charity, offering a service for anyone who lives with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, DCD, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome and more. This is through advocacy, education and campaign work as well as providing help resources.
Ambitious about autism stand with autistic children and young people, champion their rights​ and create opportunities by running specialist education services, stand with autistic children and young people, championing their rights​ and create opportunities. We run specialist education services, and deliver training and consultancy to a wide range of organisations to improve awareness and understanding of autism.
The Society for Neurodiversity is a member lead organisation offering support and advocacy for anyone who is diagnosed with or identifies as being neurodiverse. They also offer support for friends and families.
Borderline Support UK is a non-profit organisation that support and empower individuals and families in the UK who have been impacted by borderline personality disorder (BPD), a condition that affects 2% of the population.
Transgender and Non-Binary specific Support
If you are ever in immediate danger, please always call the emergency services. Below are services that are aimed specifically at supporting Trans and non-binary people. Trans, meaning not identifying with the gender assigned at birth, is an umbrella term and include non-binary and other gender non-conforming identities also, meaning most resources available are boarder and less specific to any one label.
Mermaids UK
Support for trans, non-binary and gender diverse children and young people including a helpline, training and resources.
TSG is a Hertfordshire based Trans and non-binary Support Group with also TSG SOFA (Significant Others, Friends and Allies).
They have regular meet ups and though advertise to adults, will be able to offer support and advice to you no matter your age. contact the at or on 07725 780787 to find out more information. They also have a facebook page you can follow.
TransActual are working towards a world where trans people can live safely, in dignity and with access to the healthcare that we need. They are a national, trans led and run organisation focussed specifically on working for trans adults in the UK.
GI deliver a range of services, projects and activities for trans, non-binary, and gender questioning people, as well as a range of educational, training and consultancy services to organisations and individuals who are working to better their inclusive practices.
GIRES is a UK wide organisation whose purpose is to improve the lives of trans and gender diverse people of all ages, including those who are non-binary and non-gender.

Other Support (Health, Wellbeing and More)
Health and Wellbeing is a common catch all and can often feel like people are just talking about generic diet and exercise, but it encompasses a whole range of experience that effects our every day lives.
The Terrance Higgins Trust the UK's leading HIV and sexual health charity. We support people living with HIV and amplify their voices, and help the people using our services to achieve good sexual health.
Chronically Awesome is a non-profit organisation run by those with a chronic condition, offering support, resources and communities to anyone who has a chronic illness and their family members.
Macmillan Cancer Support are there to help those who have been affected by cancer, whether being diagnoses with it, or losing a loved one to it, or any aspect of it. They help with emotional support, financial support, medical and technical advice and more.
The Rainbow Trust is a charity that supports the families of those with children from 0 - 18 with a terminal or life threatening illness. Offering emotional support, helping explain technical and medical terminology, having someone stay with their child whilst in hospital, and offering support after the death of a child.
Marie Curie is a charity that works in supporting patients with palliative or end of life care needs, as well as supporting their families. This is through training specialist nurses, offering companion services, giving financial and legal advice and offering emotional support.