There are a lot of words that get used, some we know, some we don't. As a therapist, I feel it is my duty to educate myself as much as possible for my client. That being said, I am never going to know everything and their experience of certain words may differ. Below is a list of just some of the words you may come across, or may have wondered about and many of them aren't queer specific and may be used by many people around you.
Abromantic | Abromantic describes someone with fluid romantic desires that can encompass more than one at a time, or be shifting over time. This doesn't necessarily link to their sexual desires. | |
Abrosexual | Abrosexual is a type of fluid sexuality. A person who describes themselves as abrosexual may identify with more than one term for their sexuality. This may not link with their romantic desires. | ![]() The Abrosexual Flag |
Ace / Asexual | Asexual refers to someone who isn't interested in sexual relationships. This doesn't mean they aren't sexually active or don't have sex, although this too is possible, but it isn't something that drives their intentions. Much like many forms of identity, this is a spectrum and can include limited sexual desire and no sexual desire. | ![]() The Asexual Flag |
AFAB | Acronym - Assigned Female at Birth | |
Alloromantic | This is a term that describes anyone with any level of romantic desire replacing "normal". | |
Allosexual | Allosexual relates to any level of sexual attraction in lieu of the term "normal" | |
Ally | An ally is someone who isn't part of the LGBTQIA+ community, or isn't part of an aspect of it, but actively supports it. There is some debate over what constitutes ally, but it is generally agreed that it involves more than acceptance and requires active input in support various queer right. | |
AMAB | Acronym - Assigned Male at Birth | |
Androgynous | Someone who is Androgynous presents little to no traits that would be seem as stereotypically masculine or feminine or may even show extreme levels of both. Androgyny can be genetic and for some is a choice of presentation. Just because someone is androgynous, it doesn't mean they are non-binary and being non-binary doesn't mean they wish to be androgynous. | |
Androphilia | Androphilia is the term for sexual attraction to traditionally masculine attributes which can be anything from specific looks to genitalia. | |
Aromantic / Aro | Aromantisism is experienced through little to no romantic desire, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Just as asexuality doesn't preclude romantic desire, aromantisism does stop sexual desire. | ![]() The Aromantic Flag |
Aroace | Aroace is the term for someone who is both aromantic and asexual. Some who describes themselves as this may still engage in some sexual activity and want relationships, but this is usually limited | ![]() The Aroace Flag |
Bear | A bear is a type of male with in the gay and bisexual community that is hairy and usually larger. There is their own community and "bear" meet-ups and can range from a preference to a fetish for some people, where as others hold them up as paragons for body positivity. There can still remain some body image toxicity with in teh bear subculture, with what counts and what doesn't and a divide between "muscle bears" and "chubby bears" | ![]() The Gay Bear Flag |
Bisexual / Bi | Someone who is bisexual is attracted to people who identify as male or female. | ![]() The Bisexual Flag |
Biphobia | Biphobia is similar to homophobia, and encompassed hatred and discrimination against bisexual people. This can often be characterised as telling bi people "They are greedy", "they are gay and just can't commit to it.", "just haven't find the right one" and more. There is often rhetoric about those that are bi being in either a heterosexual or homosexual relationship negates their sexuality, which of course it doesn't. | |
Binders and Binding | Trans men use binders to disguise their breasts. Often this can start out with using bandages, but there are serious risks with binding for too long. There are now companies that specifically create binders to be both safer and more comfortable, but there is still a limit to the length of time they can be worn. The risks include skin conditions, bruising and even forms of crush syndrome. The level of gender dysphoria by not wearing the binder can feel like a greater risk than the physical risks for some. | ![]() A binder being worn. |
Bottom | A bottom is a term for a gay man who enjoy being penetrated anally more than being the one providing the pentration. This doesn't mean they do not engage in other sexual activities and sometime penetrate, however it is their preference. The term in recent years has become an insult, both meant to be jokingly taken and to hurt to describe someone who is weak, feeble or even just likes to be passively served. Not all who think of themselves as a bottom is submissive and part of a healthy sexual relationship involves being able to explore other aspects, including shared power dynamic. | |
Bottom Surgery | Bottom surgery is the term when a trans person has their genitalia surgically altered to match their gender identity. | |
Cass Review | The Cass Review was a four year review to look into the gender identity services for Trans youths in the UK. It has been highly criticise for not taking into account any testimonies by transgender individuals or experts in the fields. It has already been heavily discredited as claims made with in the review have strong evidence to be false based on hundreds of studies that have been conducted. The claims included that transitioning does not impact the mental health of a trans person, to which there is a multitude of evidence showing the vast improvements in the quality of life and mental wellbeing for those transitioning. There was one point that seemed to be agreed on by all parties and that is that the NHS provisions to support transgender people is woefully inadequate. | |
Chemsex | Chemsex is a subculture of sexual scenes that include people who enjoy sex while taking various substances. On "hookup sites", websites and apps designed for people to easily access sex in the local are, this is often signified with the acronym HNH, meaning High and Horny. | |
Cisgender / Cis | Originally coined by far right feminists who wanted ways of identifying themselves as different to transgender women, "cis" is literally a Latin prefix meaning "on the same side as". In the case of someone being cisgender this refers to the fact they identify with the same gender that they were born as. | |
Cishet | Cishet is an abbreviation and conjunction of cisgender and heterosexual and describes someone who is exactly that, cisgender and heterosexual. It's become import in recent years as a lot of societal expectations or media portrayals have a cishet slant, showing this as "normal" compared to any other way of being. | |
Cisnormativity | Cisnormativity describes the assumption that the cisgender identity is the "normal" way of being to the exclusion or detriment of all other gender identities. | |
Closet | To be in the Closet, is to not be ready to publicly express your gender, sexuality, relationship preference or identity. This could be to anybody, or it may be to specific people. It's a hugely challenging time as someone in the closet can enter into cycles of fear, shame, worrying they are going to be rejected for who they are or of letting people down somehow. All this whilst coming to terms with it themselves. The lack of representation in the media, or poor representation, can make people feel they are not good enough, or that it isn't safe to explore or express these feelings. This, along with bigotry, are one of the prime factors in the higher rates of suicide and self harm in the LGBTQIA+ Community. | |
Consensual Non-Monogamy (CNM) | Also known as Ethical Non-Monogamy. This is any configuration of relationship that could include more than two people. For some this may be polyamory, for others, this could include having multiple partners and for others still this may include being able to have either emotional or sexual encounters with others but nothing more. The key aspect is that all parties involved are aware of the boundaries and are able to discuss them with in the relationship. The relationships themselves may change over time to include more or less people. | |
Code Switching | Code-Switching is the act that some queer people engage in to feel safe in varying groups of people. It often involves dressing or acting "less queer" to not overtly "out" themselves as gay, trans, non-binary etc, or to not appear to much of any of these so they are more accepted. For many it is a behaviour learnt at a young age, possibly from parents, care-givers or friends, where they have either been rejected and told they are too much of something (too flamboyant, too girly, too much of a tom-boy) or have seen others experience this, and have learnt to hide those aspects of themselves. | |
Coming Out | Coming Out, originally related to coming out at a debutant in years gone by, now means to openly declare your gender, sexuality, relation configurations or identity. This can be a big moment for some, and a passing comment for others. It does have a big impact, for some it can be additionally challenging depending on the acceptance of family members and local community. Someone being forced to come out can be very dangerous, depending on their circumstances. You can never be entirely sure of their home, work or social situations, and by "outing" someone, you can put their very lives at risk. | |
Deadname | To deadname someone is to call them by a name they no longer identify with and is particularly associated with a shift in gender identity, whether transgender or non-binary. It can be very hurtful and damaging, even when done unintentionally, triggering feelings of dysmorphia and shame. | |
Demisexual (Demiboy / Demigirl) | Someone who is demisexual requires and emotional connection with someone before they can feel sexual attraction. | ![]() The demisexual flag. |
Dom / Domme | A Dom is someone who takes a dominant role. This can be part of a power dynamic within a relationship, sexual encounters or role play and can be healthy if all parties are consenting and is not coercive. To be done safely in any scenario, there should be clear limits and boundaries before beginning. The dominant submissive dynamic doesn't have to include any sexual interactions surrounding it and can involve acts of service, different forms of verbal exchange, financial control and check-ins to name a few potential expressions. | |
Drag (Drag Queen / Drag King) | Drag is a stylised art form that can include a wide variety of portrayals. Often thought of as someone playing the character of someone as the opposite gender, this isn't a requirement, but most drag personas tend to be exaggerated in some way or other. A Drag Queen offers a female portrayal and King male. The artists performing these parts may strive for hyper realism, exaggerated flamboyance, extreme personalities, comic interactions or a whole host of other possibilities. Some well know drag artists include RuPaul (Hyper feminine style), Lily Savage (Comedy Roast Style), Mama G (Drag Story Time) and Dame Edna Everage (Comedy Roast Style). | ![]() RuPaul ![]() Lily Savage ![]() Mama G |
Dysmorphia | Body Dysmorphia is often incorrectly confused with Gender Dysphoria. Body dysmorphia is the psychological condition in which a person see's their body has huge flaws, even if this perception isn't accurate. This is often associate with eating disorders although can occur in other conditions too. | |
Dysphoria | Gender dysphoria is the psychological malady brought about through the pain of ones body, experience and interactions with others not matching the gender that they are inside. Extremely distressing, it can be exacerbated by things such as having to remover binders or packers, being deadnamed or being misgendered. | |
Enby | Enby is a term created by the initials NB and means Non-Binary. | ![]() The Non-Binary Flag |
Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM) | This is another term for consensual non-monogamy. Some feel there is a difference, with consensual implying that there is just consent from each person in the relationship where as ethical implies a broader consideration of the impact of other partners being involved in the relationship. The terms are often used interchangeably but it is always advisable to confirm someones understanding of the terms before proceeding. |
Femme | Femme is a term that describes a persons chosen presentation with them showing traits that would traditionally be ascribed to female characteristics. | |
Fetish | Different to a kink, a fetish is something that is required by an individual for sexual arousal. | |
Findom / Finsub | This is a type of Dom / Sub dynamic routed around financial control, and if both parties are consenting and have clear boundaries, can be a healthy exchange. | |
Friend of Dorothy (FOD) | When being gay was illegal a number of terms were coined for gay people to identify each other without being conspicuous, one of which was asking "Are you a friend of Dorothy?" There are conflicting notions about where this originated, the most common being that it is related to Dorothy of Wizard of Oz, seen as a parable of self acceptance amongst the queer community. Judy Garland, who played Dorothy, was also know to be a support of the LGBTQ+ Community. | |
Furry | A Furry, or furries, are a subset that has developed into it's own culture. These are people who enjoy taking on characteristics of animals, often furry animals, but not exclusively, and sometimes mythical creature. For some this is a sexual desire, for other it's fun and a form of interaction and it can be a social activity, with conventions taking place for furries around the world. Someones furry identity is often referred to as tehir fursona | |
Gay | Gay is now synonymous with homosexual, denoting attraction to the same gender. Often associate with male homosexuality, it's not uncommon to also be used in relation to other same sex attraction. | |
Gender Dysphoria | Gender Dysphoria is often described as the "discomfort" someone feels at their assigned gender not matching their gender identity, however it can be extremely distressing for those experiencing it. It can range from mild unease to severe intense agony. | |
Gender Euphoria | Not exactly the opposite of gender dysphoria, it is the sense or relief, well being and / or joy of things aligning with your gender. This can be brought about through being seen as your gender (Passing), the use of things like binders or packers to have the physical sensation of being more aligned with your gender or any number of experiences that validates you as the gender which you are. | |
Gender Neutral | Gender Neutral is a term to describe something that is neither male or female oriented. This can be a person, their pronouns, toilets, clothing, make-up or any number of things. | |
Gender-fluid | Someone who is Gender Fluid is a person whose gender identity isn't fixed to a more feminine, masculine or androgynous feeling, but can move and present themselves differently depending on how they feel each day. | |
Genderqueer | A term used by some to describe a gender identity that doesn't fit in the traditional binary. | |
Gillick Competence | Gillick Competence is a legal concept referring to whether a child under 16 can consent to their own treatment. It is based on whether they understand the weight and risks of decisions. It has been used in reference to all medical treatment, and has became more common parlance with the arguments surrounding puberty blockers for trans teens. Gillick Competence does not need parental or guardian consent or knowledge. | |
Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) | A GRC in the UK is a certificate that legally recognises a persons gender as something other than what they were assigned as at birth. As more countries are electing to move towards self-identification rather than legal application, this has recently hit UK news when Scotland approved a bill that would allow for self-identification, which Westminster vetoed, leading to protests and further distrust of the Westminster government both within Scotland and the Queer Community. | |
Greyromantic | Greyromatasism refers to a a romantic attraction between alloromantic and aromantic, usually denoting limited romantic interest, but not having no romantic desires at all. | ![]() Greyromantic flag |
Greysexual / Grey | Greysexuality refers to a sexuality between allosexual and asexual, usually denoting limited sexual desire, but not having no sexual desire at all. | ![]() Greysexual flag |
Grindr | Possibly the most well known gay "dating" app. Known for it's ability to show potential partners and their approximate distance from you with in meters, it is most commonly used for arranging sexual encounters at short notice. | |
Gynephilia | A term used to describe sexual attraction to women or things that are feminine. | |
He/Him | These are pronouns for someone who is male, this may be the gender they were assigned at birth or not, but it is the pronouns that match their identity. | |
He/They | He/They are pronouns for someone who uses both He/Him and They/Them, This can be for a number of reasons, for some it's because they fall somewhere on the gender spectrum towards a more fluid or binary identity, but with masculine identity as well, in some cases it's a choice to not have to explain their gender neutrality, preferring they/them, but accepting masculine pronouns for ease. Ultimately it can be a very individual choice. | |
Heterosexual | Also known as straight, heterosexual people are attracted exclusively to those of the opposite gender. | |
Heteronormative | Heteronormative is a term used to describe anything that would fall within the definition of not being queer, this would include heterosexual, cisgendered, monogamous and nothing outside those positions. It is a stance that a lot of modern society is modelled on. | |
Heteronormativity | The Assumption that heterosexual relationship configurations and desires are the normal to the exclusion of all others. | |
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) | Hormone-Replacement Therapy. Often associated with the menopause, is also used by some transgender people as part of their transition. | |
Intersectionality | Intersectionality is about highlighting interconnectedness of different aspects of identity and experience in systems of discrimination and prejudice. | |
Intersex | Intersex people make up around 2% of the population. Someone who is intersex, is born somewhere outside the traditional binary of male or female, whether this is related to their genitals, chromosomes or reproductive organs. For example their genitals may not match their reproductive organs, they may have traits of both and some my have a rarer make up of chromosomes, such as XXY. Because some of the traits aren't visible at birth, it is not uncommon for people to not find out until later in life, and some who do show signed of being intersex at birth, may have procedures performed on them to align them with either a male or female presentation and never have knowledge that it occurred. | ![]() Intersex Flag |
Kink | A kink is a sexual preference, something that enhances the sexual experience for some people. This is different to a fetish where the is a requirement for the aspect they find desirable to be present for sexual enjoyment to take place. Kinks can be many, varied and fluid, involving other people or objects, food, power play, role play and more. | |
Lesbian | Lesbian is the term for a woman who is attracted exclusively to other women. | ![]() Lesbian Pride Flag |
Masc | Masc, is short from masculine, you may see such things as trans masc, this is a trans gender person who presents masculinely, or masc presenting non-binary, someone who is non-binary but presents in a way that is more. | |
Metamour | A metamour is a partner once removed. This is to say that if you were dating two people, consensually, but they were not dating each other, then they are metamours to each other. | |
Misgender | To misgender someone is to use the wrong gender when referring to someone, this can range from saying he when you mean they, to saying this is my sister, when you mean brother. The act of being misgendered can be very damaging to the well being of a person, even when done unintentionally and can invoke feelings of shame, worthlessness and burden on the person being misgendered. | |
MLM | MLM, is short for male loving male, often used to describe literature, films and other media in terms of content. For example, this book is a thrilling adventure with strong mlm romance. | ![]() Gay Mlm Flag |
Mononormativity | The idea that monogamous relationships are somehow the norm based on one moral or cultural view, to the exclusion of all other relationship configurations. | |
Mx | Mx is a gender neutral version or Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms Etc. pronounced like Mix but often dropping much of the "I" sound in it. This is a legally recognised prefix, that can, and is, used on official documents. | |
Neutrois | Pronounced nu-twar, this relates to someone whose gender identity is a neutral one. Though similar to non-binary, it is different in the sense that a non-binary person may feel they are a combination of both male and female aspects, moving along the spectrum of gender identity or absent of either male or female identity at all. The Neutrois identity is considered a more neutral state, occasionally interchangeable with agender, this too can have subtle differences. | |
Non-Binary (NB) | Non-Binary is a term used to describe someone whose gender doesn't align with the male / female binary. This means they could exist somewhere on the spectrum and be more masculine or feminine feeling at time, or they may not sit on the spectrum at all, feeling they don't have a gender. | |
Otter | An otter is a descriptor for a physical type of gay man, usually quite slender but also with moderate amounts of body hair. | |
Outed | To be "outed" is to have your sexual orientation or gender identity exposed in situations where you don't necessarily want them to be. Though people think of someone being outed as gay or trans etc by other people, sometimes individuals have to out themselves, often through identification not matching their identity or having to explain why you need certain accommodations. It even happens for gay people at hotels who get questioned about being sure if they want a room with only one bed. It can be a deeply uncomfortable situation for some, and very traumatic for others. | |
Packer | A packer is a piece of worn equipment, that trans men use to give the sensation of having a penis. They come in a wide variety of sizes and levels of realism. They can be an important part of a transition, lessening gender dysphoria that can occur due to not having genitalia that aligns with their gender identity and even giving a sense of gender euphoria. | |
Pansexual | Someone who is Pansexual, is attracted to people regardless of gender or gender-identity. This is different to Bisexual, in that it is inclusive of non-binary, gender-fluid and any other identity, often focussing on the individual themselves, rather than their presentation. | |
Passing | Passing refers to someone who can look like a gender, not necessarily one they were assigned with at birth. A number of Trans people try to "Pass" and being misgendered can be rather dysphoric, though this isn't a priority for all. | |
Phobia (Biphobia, homophobia, transphobia etc) | Prejudice or discrimination towards people of specific gender, orientation or relationship groups. Often being misrepresented as a fear, the term phobia also includes aversion to something, such as some of the things named above. | |
Platonic | Platonic refers to a relationship with no sexual or romantic interest involved. | |
Polyamorous | Polyamorous describes and person who is not monogamous. This can include, but isn't limited to, Consensual Non-Monogamy / Open Relationships, multiple romantic partners, Throuples and all sorts of configurations of both romantic and sexual partners. Usually it would include romantic or emotion desire to be with more than one person. | There are multiple polyamory pride flags that have been attempted, below are two of the most widely used ![]() ![]() |
Polyfidelity | Polyfidelity is a form of non-monogamy where individuals have multiple partners but are exclusively committed to them. | |
Polysaturated | Polysaturation is the limit of relationship, either romantic or sexual, that you can commit to at one time. Most polyamorous people have a limit which, if they exceed, develop fatigue and burnout. Think of it as a relationship counterpart to a social battery. | |
PreP | PreP is short for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and is medication used to prevent someone from contracting HIV or AIDS and is over 99% effective. | |
Pride | Typically held in June, it refers to events and celebrations around the world to protest LGBTQ+ rights or lack there of. Originating from the Stonewall riots. A huge amount of literature and information can be found all over the internet regarding the origins of pride, and the importance of it still today. The flag is ever developing to include as much of the queer umbrella as possible. The flag currently shows the following meanings. RED - Life ORANGE - Healing YELLOW- Sunlight and Growth GREEN - Nature BLUE - HARMONY VIOLET - SPIRIT BLACK & BROWN - People of colour LIGHT BLUE, PINK and WHITE - The Trans Community YELLOW with PURPLE CIRCLE - Intersex people | ![]() The intersex progress pride flag. |
Pronoun | A pronoun is a word or group of words that can replace a noun. Common pronouns include I, You, We, They, Them, He, Him, She, Her, This, That, Those. Pronouns are also used for people to be able to express their identity, such as he/him pronouns showing someone is male identifying, she/her being female identifying and they them being more non-binary or gender-neutral terms. You may have someone who with use She / They pronouns, which shows they relate to both a female and more gender-neutral view point. There are also neo-pronouns, such as Zi, Zir which offer a more detailed and specific identity for someone when describing their pronouns. | |
Puberty-Blockers | Medication given to prevent the onset of puberty. Originally used for precocious puberty, where puberty has set in early, to delay it until an appropriate age. This is also given to trans youths and will temporarily block the onset of puberty. All studies show that it is completely reversible and very safe for a young person to take. | |
PupPlay | Pupplay is a growing culture where people engage in dressing like, or taking on roles of dogs. Sometimes alone and sometimes in relation to others. Though seen to have started as a sexual activity, many have found this helpful as ways of exploring power dynamics, identity within couples or group dynamics and for some it offers a freedom of expression they may not otherwise feel they have. | |
QTIPOC | QTIPOC stands for Queer, Trans and Intersex People of Colour. This has become a necessary term due to the fact that a lot of queer representation and content is still written and shown from a white perspective. This both negates the different experiences that some people have of any other ethnicity, and diminishes the understanding of what people are genuinely going through. | |
Queer | Queer is an encompassing term that can be used to describe anyone outside the cisgendered, heterosexual, monogamous identity. | |
Queercoded | If something is Queer Coded it has LGBTQ+ undertones and references that would go largely unnoticed by cishet people | |
Questioning | Questioning means someone is in the process of exploring their identity, this could be any aspect including, but not limited to sexuality, relationship preference, gender or identity. | |
Sapphic | Sapphic, often seen in relation to literature, art and media, refers to these art forms that have a strong female, same sex influence, whether this be due to main characters, love interests, storylines, imagery or other components of it's creation. | |
She/Her | Pronouns to denote female gender identity. | |
Side | A side is used to describe a type of sexual preference, usually among gay men, who don't enjoy any penetrative sex. | |
Spectrum | Spectrum is a scientifically accurate term to describe a scale that is beyond binary options, this can involve multiple different point to make up a spectrum. | |
Submissive / Sub | A Sub is someone who takes a submissive role. This can be part of a relationship power dynamic, sexual encounters or role play and can be healthy if all parties are consenting and is not coercive. To be done safely in any scenario, there should be clear limits and boundaries before beginning. | |
TERF | This stands for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist and is used to describe those who advocate strongly for women's rights, while excluding trans women from those rights they are fighting for. | |
They/Them | They/Them are pronouns used by some who don't identify solely as Male or Female, this can include non-binary, gender-fluid and two spirited people along with other identities. | |
Throuple | Throuple is a term that is created by combining the words three and couple to denote a three person relationship. This is different to polyamory in that polyamorous relationships can have many configurations, this could be one person with multiple partners, this could be multiple people with multiple partners, but not all the same partners, it could just relate to a version of consensual non-monogamy or "open relationship" and can include a throuple. A throuple indicates and equal relationship between three people, where each person in the relationship is equal to the other two. | |
Top | Top is a term that is used to denote a type of gay man who prefers to be the one penetrating, rather than being penetrated. This is a sexual preference and doesn't mean they do not enjoy penetrative play. This also dose not denote any type of dominance or submissiveness, which are related to power dynamics, both within relationships and sexual encounters and are separate to the top/bottom sexual preferences. | |
Top Surgery | Top surgery is the surgery a transgender person may undertake to alter their chest to align with their gender identity, either through breast augmentation or mastectomy. | |
Transgender | Someone who is transgender does not identify with the gender they were assigned with at birth. Though most commonly this is a transition between points of the gender binary, some are also trans non-binary, meaning their identity feels like their physical attributes should align more with the opposite gender to which they were assigned with at birth, but that doesn't encompass their whole gender identity and they may lie somewhere on the spectrum outside the traditional binary of just male or female. | |
Tribes | Tribes often refers to a break down of types and preferences within queer communities. Dating and Meeting apps, such as Grindr, have sections where you can disclose what "tribes" you belong to. | |
Twink | A twink is a physical type of gay man, usually in their early twenties, slight with no to minimal hair. | |
Twunk | A twunk, though similar to a twink, tend to be larger an more muscular. | |
Undetectable | This is often in relation to HIV status. When someone carries the virus, but is under treatment, they can reach a point where the virus is no longer detectable. At this stage, though they are still a carrier, they cannot transmit it to anyone else. | |
Versatile / Vers | Vers, or versatile, refers to a gay person who enjoys both being penetrated, or penetrating during sexual encounters. Their particular preference may change from encounter to encounter, or they may like to try and experience both in each encounter. | |
This is by no means an exhaustive list, and I built this from experience in my own life and with clients, so may not reflect your knowledge. As such, if you think I am missing anything or have got anything wrong, then please don't hesitate to let me know by using the contact button below. I also encourage you to use this page as a starting point and if anything interests you or you want to know more, then seek out the knowledge and, again, you can ask me.
